Identify Threats that Exist in Your Systems

Risk Assessment & Mitigation

Partner with the experts at Cybersafe Solutions to perform an objective evaluation of your organization’s cyber risk.

Model your security posture against industry gold standards

NIST CSF Maturity Assessment

“If you can’t see it, you can’t defend against it.™"

Cybersafe’s skilled specialists compare your cybersecurity posture to industry standards of breach prevention, response, and lessons learned, and map maturity against the Center for Internet Security (CIS) 18 Controls to identify gaps and strengthen posture.

Identify missing or inadequate security measures to bolster your defenses.

With the average cost of a U.S. ransomware breach an astronomical $9.48 million, according to IBM’s 2023 Security “Cost of a Data Breach Report,” cyberattacks are prevalent, costly, and debilitating to the businesses they touch—now more than ever.

Cybersafe works with companies to identify gaps or inefficiencies in security posture by comparing against the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). 

This standardized framework helps organizations of all sizes reduce cybersecurity risks and safeguard valuable data, and its six functions are considered the gold standard for building a cybersecurity program:

1. Govern: Which risk management strategies, expectations, and are established, communicated, and monitored?

  1. Organizational Context
  2. Risk Management Strategy
  3. Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities
  4. Policy
  5. Oversight
  6. Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management

2. Identify: Which processes and assets require protection?

  1. Asset Management
  2. Risk Assessment
  3. Improvement

3. Protect: Which safeguards will ensure delivery of critical infrastructure services?

  1. Identity Management, Authentication, and Access Control
  2. Awareness and Training
  3. Data Security
  4. Platform Security
  5. Technology Infrastructure Resilience

4. Detect: Which mechanisms can be utilized to identify the occurrence of cyber events?

  1. Continuous Monitoring
  2. Adverse Event Analysis

5. Respond: Which techniques should be implemented to contain the impacts of cyber events?

  1. Incident Management
  2. Incident Analysis
  3. Incident Response Reporting and Communication
  4. Incident Mitigation

6. Recover: Which processes would restore capabilities and services impaired due to cyber events?

  1. Incident Recovery Plan Execution
  2. Incident Recovery Communication


Strengthen your security through evidence-based practices.

Following the assessment, Cybersafe maps your cybersecurity posture against one of the most robust standardized frameworks: the Center for Internet Security (CIS) 18 critical security controls.

The CIS 18 Controls:

  • Are Shaped by Actual Attacks & Effective Defenses 
  • Reflect Expert Knowledge Across Industries
  • Reflect Knowledge of Every Role (Threat Responders, Policymakers, Etc.)
  • Prioritize Security Functions to Gain Operational Efficiency 
  • Improve Cybersecurity Effectiveness

NIST CSF Maturity Assessment Report

After this, you’ll receive a customized NIST CSF Maturity Assessment report including:

  • Scope of Effort
  • Executive Overview
  • Security Assessment Methodology
  • Risk Management Summary
  • Key Cybersecurity Risks
  • Risk Priorities - Controls

By partnering with Cybersafe to model your systems against the gold standard for cybersecurity, you ensure your posture is robust, evidence-backed, and resilient against threat actors. 

Contact us today to learn more.